I wanna do it slow. Inflict the maximum amount of pain so a guy wishes he would just die, you know, get it over with, but just can’t quite get there.

Monday, May 21, 2007


I can’t forget a trip. It is the best memory for me. I can remember it very clean because it looks like just happen yesterday.

I was a student of a university which is located in capital of my country. However my hometown is so far from capital so I have to spend 2days to go home every holiday.

There were a winter holiday in 2002, I decided take a 1 day trip and go home, because between capital and my hometown has a famer city there has beautiful landscape and I have never visited it.

I had arrived there and slept one night, after that day I was begin to climbing the mountain. That was a perfect day in the winter. There has flash air, soft sunshine and the song from morning brides. The mountain was cinctured by cloud; I only could saw a peak on the sky and a stone stairs from the mountain. I spent 1 and half hours attained the gloriette with pinasters and plum blossom.

There was a pretty girl in the gloriette. I was very surprise because then was 7:00 in the morning. I came near this girl and sited down at front of her. We were chatting and getting to know each other. The situation of her was similar as me. She was a college student in another city and just trip there on holiday.

I was very happy because we had same interesting and hobbits. I like her.

We changed mobile telephone number when we divided in the train station at night. I wondered to contact to her but I lost my mobile telephone on the train. Therefore, the girl only was a best memory in my heart with the perfect winter day.

I have never go to the city until now.


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