I wanna do it slow. Inflict the maximum amount of pain so a guy wishes he would just die, you know, get it over with, but just can’t quite get there.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007


In New Zealand truancy officers are becoming a big problem, a lot of school faces to this issue but they do not have the resources to deal with the problem (Christchurch principals, 2007). Therefore he thinks the schools need more resources. Government also want to fixed this situation that is more and more person is truancy in school so they announced $2 million worth of extra investment over the next four years to strengthen the service in last year. They think this issue is a national one and will breakdown of social values. The Ministry of Education suggests that New Zealand schools to share ideas with other countries about how to deal with truancy. However, the National Party education spokeswoman Katherine Rich thinks they are fighting a losing battle with truancy because truancy officers had very high workloads, and the people who are hard-working on the front line need to be given greater support. I think the sentence which is said by Christchurch District Truancy Services Charitable Trust chairwoman Dr Christine Kokay could describe this actuality that is "It is difficult, and I think that again there are so many issues of why students are truanting."


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