I wanna do it slow. Inflict the maximum amount of pain so a guy wishes he would just die, you know, get it over with, but just can’t quite get there.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

middle break

I believe the different people have the different hobby that is depend on different personality. Some of people like travel with them friends, make a big party or do some outside activity with a lot of acquaintance. However, another people prefer to stay at home and doing some things which is only the interesting activity for themselves. I am a withdrawn person and don’t like stay with too many people in my free time. Therefore, I was stay at home in my all of break holiday except afternoon of Monday, Wednesday and Friday. I used to play an online computer game in my country until I went to New Zealand. I can’t play it in here because the slow speed of internet. However, I applied a new account of wireless internet at begin of my holiday. After that, I was playing the online computer game every day and doing my home work at night. Every afternoon of Monday, Wednesday and Friday I went to gym and do some exercise. I think that is a good style to relax for me. Finally, in my opinion, I have a good middle break, because I did some things that are I like to do.


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