I wanna do it slow. Inflict the maximum amount of pain so a guy wishes he would just die, you know, get it over with, but just can’t quite get there.

Friday, April 27, 2007


Following by science and technology are developing, the world becoming more and more closes. The different culture and concept impact our own life. It is called globalization. We cannot refuse them and have to face these changes. In my opinion, the globalization brings a lot of effect for me in my daily life. I am going to show the true experience and explain how globalization changes my life.
The most important point of globalization to change my life is the globalization changes my custom. When I was a child I used to drink tea everyday because it is regard as a formal beverage in china. I've never drinking coffee before 1993. It looks like a strange thing if someone drinking coffee. I am very clearly to remember the scene when I first drinking coffee. It is a bitter, acerbity and smoky beverage. I was very surprise why foreigner like this. However, since western culture impact Asia, the coffee was becoming a popular and common beverage. More and more Chinese started seasoned with coffee, because we watched Hollywood movie and adore America singer or movie star. We were influenced by western culture. I was accepting coffee and getting used drinking it. Now, I like coffee and have to drinking it every night, the globalization bring the coffee and changed my hobbit.


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