I wanna do it slow. Inflict the maximum amount of pain so a guy wishes he would just die, you know, get it over with, but just can’t quite get there.

Friday, April 27, 2007


There is New Zealand weather herald at April 27, 2007. It including two parts of this news, the one is national summary and another one is Long Range Forecast for some cities in New Zealand.

Firstly, they attention the national weather today, Northland, Auckland, Coromandel Peninsula, will have the heavy rain and thunderstorms tonight, so the people who living this area need to be careful. Moreover, the thunderstorms will move to Waikato to Taranaki, Taupo and Gisborne and influence these territories. Therefore, tomorrow will have raining because some thunderstorms. However, Wanganui to Taihape and Hawkes Bay southwards to Wellington and Nelson, Buller, Westland only have a little shower. The same situation is happen in Marlborough Canterbury and For the Chatham Islands. Today, only one place doesn’t have raining that is Fiordland.

There are some weather forecasts for some of big cities. Thundery, the rain of Auckland will easing to showers and the temperature is between 18° to 12°. The Periods of rain will arriving Wellington tomorrow, so the temperature will depress to 16° and 9°. Christchurch will be enveloped by Low cloud and occasional drizzle and only have 11° to 7°. Queenstown will receive the nice weekend, because there is sunshine day in thundery.


Following by science and technology are developing, the world becoming more and more closes. The different culture and concept impact our own life. It is called globalization. We cannot refuse them and have to face these changes. In my opinion, the globalization brings a lot of effect for me in my daily life. I am going to show the true experience and explain how globalization changes my life.
The most important point of globalization to change my life is the globalization changes my custom. When I was a child I used to drink tea everyday because it is regard as a formal beverage in china. I've never drinking coffee before 1993. It looks like a strange thing if someone drinking coffee. I am very clearly to remember the scene when I first drinking coffee. It is a bitter, acerbity and smoky beverage. I was very surprise why foreigner like this. However, since western culture impact Asia, the coffee was becoming a popular and common beverage. More and more Chinese started seasoned with coffee, because we watched Hollywood movie and adore America singer or movie star. We were influenced by western culture. I was accepting coffee and getting used drinking it. Now, I like coffee and have to drinking it every night, the globalization bring the coffee and changed my hobbit.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Title: Cloud levitate the Sky

Author: Hirich L. Bergeson

Plot: One night Dr Mitch Mc Derre arrive home and see his wife, Carrie, was died. The police think Mc Derre did it and he is sent to prison. But Mc Derre didn’t do it and escapes from the police. He wants to find who the killer is. In this situation he needs a friend, but it could be dangerous to ask for help. Mc Derre want to find Mark for help who is his brother. Mc Derrre go to Italy and find Mark, but when he wakes in the middle of the night to find Mark in his room, Mc Derre see a woman with Mark and she looks like Carrie. Mc Derre is very surprised, and then he remembers that Carrie said she had a little sister who looks very similar to her. Mc Derre eavesdrop them talking and know the fact that is Carrie’s extramarital affair with Mark. Mc Derre is very angry and kill Mark and Carrie. By the end of the story Mc Derre suicide himself.

Characters: Mc Derre; Carrie; Mark

Over: impression/ recommendation: spend more time with our family, never let them alone.

Writing style: romantic

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

The lecture of unions
The lecture was talk about unions in New Zealand on April 3, 2007 by Sarah Hardman. In the begin of this lecture she given us the define of union that is works organized in to a voluntary association, or union to further their mutual interests with respect to wages, hours, work condition and other matters of interest to workers. There are two important parts of this defined and lecturer explain them. The first one is meaning of voluntary, it means unions are voluntary so you can choose if you want to join. The second point is “to further their mutual interests”, it be interpreted for unions have traditionally negotiated with employers about pay rates, hours of work and working conditions such as holiday, sick pay and so on.

After that she asked audiences five questions and give answers for them which are:
Q: How many New Zealander belong to a union?
A: About 330,000
Q: Are them more men or women?
A: There are 51.5% women.
Q: Can an employer choose the leader?
A: The employer has no say
Q: Can the union members choose the leader?
A: The members vote their leader
Q: Can any worker go on strike if they are angry with the boss?
A: NO. You can go on strike if collective agreement has expired when negotiating a new CV must give reasonable notice.

In the end of the lecture, she shows us some pictures of strike for fair working condition that is strike of MacDonald’s employers and New Zealand‘s nurse.

I have learned some knowledge about New Zealand union from this lecture, but I also have a lot of question. I want to know who pay emolument for employer who working in unions. I think the union is not a formal department, so where is the fund support might be is a question for them.

To sum up, I feel this lecture could help me to understand the union culture of New Zealand.