I wanna do it slow. Inflict the maximum amount of pain so a guy wishes he would just die, you know, get it over with, but just can’t quite get there.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007


There was a lecture in May 14 and talk about New Zealand police. The lecturer is Rohan stace who is a police man of Auckland. In begin of the lecture he was focus on communication, he think communication is the first thing that is we should to know. Moreover, he told us some details when we community with police. The first one is what can we do when we face to emergency situations, we should call 111 which are free for public phone and cell-phone and tell where we are and what the situation looks like. However, if we are in the non- emergency situations we could phone for nearly police station or go to the nearly police station, we will be given some help from there.

The second part of the lecture that is some basic information about New Zealand police. He introduced what is the role of New Zealand police, Oath and New Zealand police connect with world. As he said, police will protect our life property and defend security. They can keep us living in the safe society. The people could phone for PCA or write letter for police station if some police wrong with us. After that, he narrates some laws and suggest about domestic violence, burglar and disposal drugs. In the end of this lecture, he want people join them and told some conditions such as the person have to interesting for this job, he have good communication ability and need pay $45,272, if he want become a policeman in New Zealand.

Monday, May 21, 2007


I can’t forget a trip. It is the best memory for me. I can remember it very clean because it looks like just happen yesterday.

I was a student of a university which is located in capital of my country. However my hometown is so far from capital so I have to spend 2days to go home every holiday.

There were a winter holiday in 2002, I decided take a 1 day trip and go home, because between capital and my hometown has a famer city there has beautiful landscape and I have never visited it.

I had arrived there and slept one night, after that day I was begin to climbing the mountain. That was a perfect day in the winter. There has flash air, soft sunshine and the song from morning brides. The mountain was cinctured by cloud; I only could saw a peak on the sky and a stone stairs from the mountain. I spent 1 and half hours attained the gloriette with pinasters and plum blossom.

There was a pretty girl in the gloriette. I was very surprise because then was 7:00 in the morning. I came near this girl and sited down at front of her. We were chatting and getting to know each other. The situation of her was similar as me. She was a college student in another city and just trip there on holiday.

I was very happy because we had same interesting and hobbits. I like her.

We changed mobile telephone number when we divided in the train station at night. I wondered to contact to her but I lost my mobile telephone on the train. Therefore, the girl only was a best memory in my heart with the perfect winter day.

I have never go to the city until now.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007


In New Zealand truancy officers are becoming a big problem, a lot of school faces to this issue but they do not have the resources to deal with the problem (Christchurch principals, 2007). Therefore he thinks the schools need more resources. Government also want to fixed this situation that is more and more person is truancy in school so they announced $2 million worth of extra investment over the next four years to strengthen the service in last year. They think this issue is a national one and will breakdown of social values. The Ministry of Education suggests that New Zealand schools to share ideas with other countries about how to deal with truancy. However, the National Party education spokeswoman Katherine Rich thinks they are fighting a losing battle with truancy because truancy officers had very high workloads, and the people who are hard-working on the front line need to be given greater support. I think the sentence which is said by Christchurch District Truancy Services Charitable Trust chairwoman Dr Christine Kokay could describe this actuality that is "It is difficult, and I think that again there are so many issues of why students are truanting."

Tuesday, May 15, 2007


In May 8, 2007, five sailors who are members of a helicopter were died in Reno, Nevada in the crash. The helicopter is called SH-60F that was part of a helicopter anti-submarine squadron in Jacksonville, Florida. The base officials said the helicopter was flying out of Nevada’s Fallon Naval Air Station and crash about 16km west of Austin. Navy was beginning to the search and rescue mission at 9:30 p.m. around 256km east of Reno. As spokesman Zip Upham describe the reason of this accident that is a high-voltage power line was struck. They are very sad for this accident and will find the person who need assume this responsibility. U.S. Senator Harry Reid of Nevada said, he wants that it quick to solve, it will be better understanding of how this tragedy occurred.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Two pictures -2

There are two pictures show different classrooms for us. These two different types of classroom in the world. The first one looks like elementary school, because desks are immethodical and the students not seat on the chairs. Children use different way to learning that is comfortable for them. Some children stand and read book, some children make a group and discuses issue but we can see that is every students look very enjoy this class. The students of second picture are older than first one and they seat in the order. We can image they are college or university students. They are Hands up and waiting for answer the question. This class looks more serious, formal and regular. I think these two different classes have different advantage and disadvantage. The first one could make students very relax and second one will give the good academic environment. In my opinion, the first on is suitable for children and second one is good for adult students.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

RADIO : Monday National Radio’s News Headlines

FROM: There were six stories in the radio,the first headline from New Zealand Herald that is my choose.

TOPIC: The new drug trail offering hope to women with the history of miscarriages


  • Consonant to vowel link: the new/∂/
  • Extra linking sounds:history of /ri/
  • Weak forms of prepositions, articles, modal verbs, auxiliary verb: The/∂/new drug trail offering hope to/∂/ women with the/∂/ history o/∂/f miscarriages.

Two pictures of market

There are two pictures and show us two different type of market. One is a supermarket other one is a local market. They are two main markets in our daily life and the faction is similar. However, they also have some differences. The supermarket is cleaner, quiet and has multifarious goods. Moreover, the supermarkets always open whole days between Mondays to Sunday except public holiday. Therefore, people can buy the goods every time, it is very convenient. The local market is dirty than supermarket and always very noise but it also have some advantage such as the goods is cheaper, the vegetable very fresh and so on. I think different people will choose different market because each of these has them own advantage. I like go to supermarket that is only my own habbit.

middle break

I believe the different people have the different hobby that is depend on different personality. Some of people like travel with them friends, make a big party or do some outside activity with a lot of acquaintance. However, another people prefer to stay at home and doing some things which is only the interesting activity for themselves. I am a withdrawn person and don’t like stay with too many people in my free time. Therefore, I was stay at home in my all of break holiday except afternoon of Monday, Wednesday and Friday. I used to play an online computer game in my country until I went to New Zealand. I can’t play it in here because the slow speed of internet. However, I applied a new account of wireless internet at begin of my holiday. After that, I was playing the online computer game every day and doing my home work at night. Every afternoon of Monday, Wednesday and Friday I went to gym and do some exercise. I think that is a good style to relax for me. Finally, in my opinion, I have a good middle break, because I did some things that are I like to do.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Step One - match the headline to the newspaper

  • There are six stories are mentioned for each newspaper.
  • The one story is government looking at a way to tackle truancy number.
  • In last year, in New Zealand, an average of 30,000 children a days to skipped the class.
  • The children